Samson SAC01UPAK USB Microphone and Podcast Package
Best Samson SAC01UPAK USB Microphone and Podcast Package
You can buy Samson SAC01UPAK USB Microphone and Podcast Package today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Samson SAC01UPAK USB Microphone and Podcast Package. Also read our Samson SAC01UPAK USB Microphone and Podcast Package reviews before you decide to buy Samson SAC01UPAK USB Microphone and Podcast Package. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
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Samson SAC01UPAK USB Microphone and Podcast Package Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Samson SAC01UPAK USB Microphone and Podcast Package. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
Samson SAC01UPAK USB Microphone and Podcast Package Overview:
The C01U USB Studio Condenser Mic is an affordable mic with a USB interface
It has cardioid pickup pattern
It has large 19mm diaphragm
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Samson SAC01UPAK USB Microphone and Podcast Package Reviews
This review is from: Samson SAC01UPAK USB Microphone and Podcast Package (Electronics)
This is a great product. I create online training videos and this is ideal. The audio is crystal clear and is easy to use. This is not a light-weight cheapy throw away item if it doesn't work. I am very impressed with the quality.
Caution - Your PC is fully capable of using this as a plug-n-play device. Don't waste your time on the SoftPre software described in the literature as you don't need it. I contacted the manufacturer and they confirmed by suspecion that it doesn't work and isn't required.
They do include some great recording software that is not SoftPre, so don't get those confused!
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This review is from: Samson SAC01UPAK USB Microphone and Podcast Package (Electronics)
This mic works well. Nice clear recording for voice over work. My only complaint is that I haven't been able to get the Sonar LE to work. It doesn't appear to be compatible with my sound card. The mic works well with Audacity however.
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This review is from: Samson SAC01UPAK USB Microphone and Podcast Package (Electronics)
I couldn't be happier with this setup. I purchased it with a PS01 pop screen (Samson) and it's become my staple for WBT voice-over via Sony Audio Studio. The microphone offers an affordable, authentic representation of the voice.
An outstanding value at this price!
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